Dear Friends of Democracy,
Today we ask for your help again. The timeline is very short. Reach out to your friends. Share this email. Make your voice heard!
Below see a list of what we ask from the BoCC as the process continues:
The BoCC has said that since they have only heard from a small group of people it means they are doing a great job. We need your voice to let them know that there are many of us who are engaged and care about our government.
November 2
6:00 p.m.
Public hearing to review map options
November 16
9:30 a.m.
Public hearing to adopt new map
December 7
Agenda item to certify to the Secretary of State
If you wish to speak - fill out a card as you enter the Chamber on the 2nd floor of the Old Courthouse - you will be called on by the Chair. Limit your testimony to 3 minutes. We sit together to show support!
For more information please contact me. I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at the BoCC!